Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Yemen deal brings little solace

Yemen deal brings little solace

Source: IRIN Country: Yemen SANAA, 23 September 2014 (IRIN) - With northern rebels claiming the capital Sana'a and Al-Qaeda militants increasing their attacks in the south, Yemen's security crisis is worsening rapidly, experts believe. While a new agreement between the Houthis rebels and the governm ...

The Parallels Between Bush and Obama

As President Obama begins to bomb Syria (with no UN authorization and with a coalition of the willing), he is still bombing Iraq, Yemen, and Pakistan; he has U.S. forces spread out across Africa; some are heading back into Iraq; and Guantanamo is still open. It’s hard not to wonder whether in a quie ...

Pentagon: US Strikes In Syria Disrupted 'Imminent Attack Plotting' By Al Qaeda

According to the Pentagon, the air strikes launched against Islamic State jihadists in Syria by the US and several partner nations Monday night also disrupted "imminent attack plotting" by an Al Qaeda franchise. US Central Command released a statement on the strikes Tuesday morning, wherein they sai ...

German family abducted in Yemen are dead

Two Christian aid workers and their son, who were kidnapped five years ago in Yemen are dead, a relative said on Tuesday.

I rapporti tra Arabia Saudita e iran fondamentali per la lotta al califfato e la stabilità mediorientale

L’incontro tra i rappresentanti degli esteri di Arabia Saudita ed Iran, durante gli incontri alle Nazioni Unite, riveste una importanza fondamentale nel quadro delle relazioni internazionali del medio oriente, sia per la portata attuale, che per gli sviluppi futuri. Nell’immediato significa che le d ...

The relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran crucial to the fight to the caliphate and the stability of the Middle East

The meeting between the representatives of the foreign Saudi Arabia and Iran, during the meetings at the United Nations , is of fundamental importance in the context of international relations of the Middle East , both for the current flow , which for future developments. Immediately means that the ...

Las relaciones entre Arabia Saudita e Irán cruciales para la lucha por el califato y la estabilidad de Oriente Medio

La reunión entre los representantes de la Arabia Saudita e Irán extranjera , durante las reuniones en las Naciones Unidas, es de importancia fundamental en el contexto de las relaciones internacionales del Medio Oriente , tanto para el flujo de corriente , que para futuros desarrollos. Inmediatament ...

Åsnas många händer

I Guds Namn, Barmhärtigaste, Snällaste Samma metoder, tillvägagångssätt under Irans revolution upprepas i Yemen som folkliga kommitté: Sedan ska alla "icke pålitliga" officerare, politiker, läkare... försvinna på ett och annat sätt Och man gjorde uppror på grunda av höjda mat priser (i Iran man höjd ...

Yemen leader warns of 'civil war' as rebels control capital

SANAA: President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi warned on Tuesday (Sep 23) of "civil war" in Sunni-majority Yemen and vowed to restore state authority as Shiite rebels appeared to be in near-total control of the capital. "Sanaa is facing a conspiracy that will lead ...

Yemen president warns of civil war

Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi has vowed to restore state authority and warned of a "civil war" in the Sunni-majority country as Shia rebels were seen in near-total control of the capital, Sanaa. "Sanaa is facing a conspiracy that will lead towards ...

Yemen leader vows to restore authority, warns of civil war

Sanaa:Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi vowed to restore state authority and warned of "civil war" in the Sunni-majority country as Shiite rebels were seen in near-total control of the capital on Tuesday. "Sanaa is facing a conspiracy that will lead ...

Spokesman: German Christian couple and infant son kidnapped in Yemen in 2009 are dead

BERLIN – A spokesman for a German family kidnapped in Yemen five years ago says the couple and their young son are dead. Family spokesman Reinhard Poetschke told the dpa news agency on Tuesday that the German Foreign Ministry said in a letter that ...

The Price of Abandoning Yemen

IN 2011, Yemenis rejoiced at the toppling of their dictatorial president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had ruled for 33 years. It was the third successful revolution of the Arab Spring, following the overthrow of dictators in Tunisia and Egypt. But, as ...

Yemen deal brings little solace

SANAA, 23 September 2014 (IRIN) - With northern rebels claiming the capital Sana'a and Al-Qaeda militants increasing their attacks in the south, Yemen's security crisis is worsening rapidly, experts believe. While a new agreement between the Houthis rebels ...

Drone crashes in south Yemen - witnesses

ADEN (Reuters) - A drone similar those used by the United States to track down and attack suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen crashed in the southern part of the country on Tuesday, witnesses and a local official said. Witnesses said the aircraft crashed ...

Why Yemen is such a disaster

Over the weekend, members of a Yemeni militant group stormed the nation's capital, Sana'a. Yemen's President, Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, announced a ceasefire agreement that would appoint a new prime minister on terms heavily favorable to the militants.

Militants in Yemen Seize State Offices and Force Premier to Resign

Shiite militants took over much of Yemen’s capital on Sunday, prompting the prime minister’s resignation and forcing a deal to form a new government. The militants known as Houthis have been protesting outside government ministries in the capital San ...

Houthis tighten grip on Yemen capital after swift capture, power-sharing deal

SANAA (Reuters) - Yemen's Shi'ite Houthi fighters tightened their grip on the capital Sanaa on Monday after seizing much of the city in a lightning advance and signing an overnight deal to win a share of power, capping a decade-long guerrilla uprising.

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