Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shiite rebels rally in Sanaa after leader defies UN

Shiite rebels rally in Sanaa after leader defies UN

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Yemen 09/01/2014 18:15 GMT by Hammoud MOUNASSAR SANAA, September 1, 2014 (AFP) - Tens of thousands of Shiite rebel activists demonstrated in the Yemeni capital Monday, heeding a call by their leader to press their campaign to oust the government in defiance of t ...

August 2014 Reading List

The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday The Translator by Nina Schuyler The Humans by Matt Haig American Gods by Neil Gaiman Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote Journeys on the Silk Road byJoyce Morgan and Conrad Walters There were times when I was reading ...

1 September, 2014 18:02

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MIDDLE EAST - Changing Alliances and Rifts

" U.S. faces changing alliances and rifts in Middle East as it seeks to form coalition" PBS NewsHour 8/29/2014 Excerpt JEFFREY BROWN (NewsHour): And joining us now to help us understand this new landscape of the Middle East is Steven Simon, a former senior director for Middle Eastern and North Afric ...

Yemen henretter spioner for droneangreb

Al-Qaeda i Yemen har henrettet tre lokale mænd i den østlige provins Hadramout, fordi de var mistænkt for at hjælpe USA med at gennemføre droneangreb, siger sikkerhedskilder til Reuters. I en erklærin…

La pace è il fucile in spalla alle guerrigliere dell'YPJ!

Contro la Jihad sessuale e la regressione sociale in senso feudale dell'Isis, contro l'imperialismo diretto e indiretto, contro ogni doppia e tripla oppressione delle donne, l'unica soluzione è la guerra popolare con le donne in prima fila. Da Infoaut: Non appena fu chiaro che non si trattava di maz ...

20 Random Facts About Me

The Peak, Hong Kong. October 2013 I was tagged by my cousin and friends on Instagram so here it is... 1. My name is Sharifah Liyana binti Syed Ahtha (the Almahdaly was too long to fit in) 2. People normally call me Liyana except for a few who call me Liy, Ana, Kak Pah, Cik Pah, Pah Na, Leyah 3. My p ...

Qaeda kills 3 Yemen 'spies' for allegedly aiding US drones

Al-Qaeda militants have executed three men they accuse of planting electronic chips in the network's vehicles to help US drones target them, a security official said Monday.


"What should my response be to what's going on in the Middle East," someone asked recently. "And what should our response be as 'a Christian nation'?" The inquiry as to what might be a personal "response" to events in the Middle East could use some sharpening. A response to whom? To friends who ask ...

Yemen: Hàng chục nghìn người biểu tình phản đối chính phủ

Ngày 1/9, hàng chục nghìn người Hồi giáo dòng Shi'ite đã biểu tình ở thủ đô Sanaa của Yemen để phản đối chính phủ hiện nay.

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