Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Car bombing targets Houthi militants in Northeast Yemen

Car bombing targets Houthi militants in Northeast Yemen

A car bombing targeted on Sunday Houthi militants in Yemen's Marib governroate killing and injuring tens of them, local sources told the Yemen Post. "The explosives-laden car rammed into a hosopital on the highway between Marib and the capital city of ...

Guns 'n Grammar: Yemen Pupils Find Classes Full of Ammo

Back to school for young Yemenis in Sanaa on Monday was a stark reminder of why many missed classes in the first place -- rebels were using it as an arms dump. Shiite rebels had swept into the north of the city from their northern mountain stronghold ...

After Obama Touts Success Against Terrorism in Yemen, State Department Issues Travel Warning

In laying out his strategy to combat ISIS in Iraq and Syria through airstrikes two weeks ago, President Obama cited Somalia and Yemen as examples of where the United States has been successful in fighting terrorism. "This strategy of taking out terrorists ...

U.S. Embassy in Yemen Attacked, Not Because of a Video This Time

More jihadi attacks on the U.S., this time in Yemen. Reuters reports, “An al Qaeda splinter group said it launched a rocket toward the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Saturday, wounding several guards, to retaliate for a purported U.S. drone strike in a ...

Rethink America's Yemen Policy, Set New Standard for Syria, Iraq

Authors Michael Shank and Casey Harrity published a policy brief this month as part of FCNL's "Shared Security" series. For the full 20-page "Security in Yemen" report, click here. Below is the executive summary excerpted from the report. Yemen is on the ...

Admin Lauds ‘Key Outcomes’ of UN Human Rights Council, Including LGBT Discrimination Resolution

President Obama reversed President George W. Bush’s decision to boycott the UN Human Rights Council, and the State Department said the 27th session last week “underscored the importance of robust U.S. engagement at the Council, where the United States continues to work with countries from all region ...

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