Al Qaeda tendría preparados ataques para el aniversario del 9/11. Nuevo explosivo indetectable se podría utilizar.
Fabricante de bombas de Al Qaeda, Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri Información creíble ha alcanzado las agencias de inteligencia de Arabia Saudí, Reino Unido y Australia de que dos ramas de Al Qaeda – Estado Islámico en Iraq y Siria y AQAP en su base en Yemen – han preparado planes para desplegar espectacula ...
Al Qaeda tendría preparados ataques para el aniversario del 9/11. Nuevo explosivo indetectable se podría utilizar.
Fabricante de bombas de Al Qaeda, Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri Información creíble ha alcanzado las agencias de inteligencia de Arabia Saudí, Reino Unido y Australia de que dos ramas de Al Qaeda – Estado Islámico en Iraq y Siria y AQAP en su base en Yemen – han preparado planes para desplegar espectacula ...
Mekah, jemaah Malaysia dan fadhilatnya
HARI ini Khamis 4 September, sejumlah 932 jemaah haji Malaysia akan menjadi kumpulan pertama memasuki kota Mekah Al-Mukarramah. Mekah adalah tanah haram, negeri yang paling dicintai Allah dan juga Rasul-Nya - kiblat orang Islam. Hadis-hadis yang menjelaskan keutamaan Mekah dan kedudukannya di sisi A ...
Beheading videos, SITE, and journalist "freedom fighters" by Wayne Madsen
Beheading videos, SITE, and journalist "freedom fighters" For the second time in a little over two weeks, a video of the beheading by a British-accented Islamic State jihadist of a U.S. journalist captured in Syria was distributed by the same organization. The most recent video images of orange jump ...
Demonstrators clash in Aden, one protester dead
Source: Yemen Times Country: Yemen Published on 2 September 2014 in News Ali Saeed (author) SANA’A, Aug. 31—Following last Thursday, when clashes between two opposing demonstrations in Mualla city, Aden governorate, left one person dead and five injured, the situation has calmed in Aden. According t ...
GCC assigns Special Envoy to Yemen
Source: Yemen Times Country: Yemen Published on 2 September 2014 in News Bassam Al-Khameri (author) SANA’A Aug. 31—The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Saturday assigned Dr. Saleh Bin Abdulaziz Al-Qunaieer as special envoy to Yemen. Al-Qunaieer is tasked with supervising the implementation of the G ...
Russia expresses concern over mounting tension in Yemen
Russia expresses concern over mounting tension in Yemen [03/September/2014] MOSCOW, Sep. 03 (Saba) – The Russian Federation has called all political forces in Yemen to unify their efforts in a bid to bring in active procedures ending the current crisis in the country. In a press release issued on We ...
We've Lost The War on Terror.
Here is rant. ISIS are using American weapons and artillery, and while our leaders pretend like they don't know where ISIS came from, we just called them "Rebels" a few months ago in Syria, when everyone else in the world referred to them as the Islamist opposition. These "rebels" were caught releas ...
Yemen rebels reject presidential overture
Yemeni Shiite rebels and activists took to the streets of Sanaa Wednesday to reject a presidential overture to replace the government and reduce a disputed fuel price hike. Faced with increased pressure from the Shiite rebels, who are also known as Huthis ...