Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thousands attend Yemen pro-government rally

Thousands attend Yemen pro-government rally

teavibes: wearethefourthwave: "THIS PICTURE WILL NOT CHANGE...

> teavibes: wearethefourthwave: "THIS PICTURE WILL NOT CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT I STILL NEED FEMINISM AND I’M GOING TO REALLY, REALLY TELL YOU WHY": -Because I got called a whore for wearing a short plaid skirt when I was 10 -and because when Nujood Ali from Yemen was 10 she got divorced -Because ...

Does your ouiji board actually work???

Okay. Let me tell you a story about this Ouija board. My old bestfriend heather stole it from toys r us and it was a shitty, plastic glow in the dark piece of cardboard w/ a plastic planchette that also glowed. We made fun of it for about 3 days and then one day we got really, really naked and dimme ...

ABD IŞİD’in Suriye’deki uzantısına karşı harekete geçebileceklerini açıkladı

ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Martin Dempsey, IŞİD’in Suriye’deki uzantısına karşı harekete geçebileceklerini açıkladı. Afganistan’ı ziyaret edecek Dempsey, uçakta gazetecilere yaptığı açıklamada, “Irak’taki IŞİD militanlarının, ABD topraklarına doğrudan tehdit haline geldiğine karar verirsem, ABD ordusun ...

Courtship and Marriage: The Somali Experience (Part 8)

This is the eighth article in a 10-part series about true stories of Somali men and women and their very blunt assessment of their relationships. The names and locations of the individuals have been changed to ensure their privacy. *** Acerbic Tongue Let me say at the outset that I have been accused ...

U.S. sends two prisoners to Yemen from Afghanistan

The U.S. Government ended what appears to have been a four-year-long hiatus in the transfer of prisoners to Yemen Monday, moving two men there from Afghanistan in what could be a precursor for releases of dozens of Yemenis held at Guantanamo Bay.

Binomar: Peaceful consensus solution only way out for tension in Yemen

Binomar: Peaceful consensus solution only way out for tension in Yemen [26/August/2014] SANA’A, Aug. 26 (Saba) – The UN advisor for Yemen affairs Jamal Binomar expressed on Tuesday his concern over the high tension in Yemen saying that a peaceful ...

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