Friday, August 22, 2014

Tens of thousands of Yemeni Houthis protest against govt in capital

Tens of thousands of Yemeni Houthis protest against govt in capital

The Houthis have fought the government repeatedly since 2004 seeking more power for the Zaydi Sh'ite Muslim sect in north Yemen. They have been trying to tighten their grip on northern regions as the majority Sunni country moves towards a federal system ...

Yemen rebel supporters gather in Sanaa

Thousands of supporters of rebels pressing the government to step down gathered in the Yemeni capital Friday as a presidential team was in the northern Houthi stronghold for crisis talks. The rally came on the final day of an ultimatum set by rebel ...

What is the Houthi Movement and Why Does it Want to Topple Yemen's Government?

Thousands of young Yemeni men have spent the past week advancing toward the centre of the capital Sana'a. Many brandished assault rifles as they marched, while some wielded more traditional 'janbiya' daggers. 'Down with the government,' the men cried in ...


Friday, August 22, 2014 Nurul Izzah sindir siapa dalam ucapan perasmian Kongres Wanita PKR ni? Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, Nurul mempertahankan kepimpinan wanita sebagai salah satu penyumbang kepada pembentukan negara. Dalam ucapan di kongres Wanita PKR sebelumnya, beliau turut mempersoalkan seseteng ...

We Know The Cruelty of Isis – But All Too Little About Who They Are

We Know The Cruelty of Isis – But All Too Little About Who They Are. We Know The Cruelty of Isis – But All Too Little About Who They Are Now President Obama has seen the next US reporter to be threatened with beheading, will he blink? By Robert Fisk August 21, 2014 “ ICH ” – “ The Independent ” – - ...

Rosmah's Qatar Friends Torpedo Gaza Truce

Kepada sahabat-sahabat yang sudah lebih dua minggu tidak makan Big Mac di McDonald's atau minum Latte di Starbucks, sila baca laporan ini dengan teliti. Perjuangan asal mempertahankan hak umat Palestin di Gaza telah lama terpesong menjadi percaturan politik dan permainan tunjuk kuasa ('Great Game') ...

Islamic state 'out of bounds' to Western media

Written by Robert Fisk : For centuries, governments told their soldiers and their people to “Know Your Enemy”. The problem with the Isis “Caliphate” – and it is a big problem for President Obama after journalist James Foley’s murder – is that we don’t know who it is. We are told of its butchery, cru ...

Nurul Izzah sindir siapa dalam ucapan perasmian Kongres Wanita PKR ni?

Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, Nurul mempertahankan kepimpinan wanita sebagai salah satu penyumbang kepada pembentukan negara. Dalam ucapan di kongres Wanita PKR sebelumnya, beliau turut mempersoalkan sesetengah pihak yang menggunakan hujah agama bagi menolak wanita menjadi pemimpin. Sidang perwakilan W ...

Notizie Mondo - Yahoo Notizie

Your RSS feed from Update your RSS subscription Notizie Mondo - Yahoo Notizie Le ultime notizie dal Mondo su Yahoo Notizie. Leggi le ultime news di cronaca e attualità arricchite da foto e video. Egitto, scontro fra due bus in Sinai: 38 morti, 41 feriti Mo: Abbas stasera al Cairo, atteso ...

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