Saturday, April 7, 2012

why are people protesting against the government in the middle east

why are people protesting against the government in the middle east?
first with egypt......and then syria..........and yemen and kuwait.......and then itll be saudi arabia i live in uae and its been so peaceful here. im worried theres going to be chaos here like it is in egypt. why are people in these countries protesting against the government? whats going on?! my bad...dint mean to put kuwait in there just worried about the arab countries now thats all dint mean to offend anyone i just wanted to know why all this was going on
Current Events - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because they are idiots that can't run their own lives and they depend on those gov's to support them and the gov's aren't doing a good job of stealing from other people and giving it to they are mad.
2 :
I doubt it will affect UAE. These countries are suffering from riots and protests because the people have been subjugated and oppressed by their governments for decades. They have minimal political rights and are constantly under threat of government intervention if they speak ill of it. In addition, the vast majority of the population is incredibly poor. I think around 40% of Egyptians make less then $2 a day. There's obviously more to it. Feel free to read up on or for more info on it. (I included both so no one would be annoyed that I advocate for liberalism or conservatism too much)
3 :
Because they are repressive, corrupt governments and people, esp young ones won't put up with them forever.
4 :
first of all, not all people are protesting: those in power, who have influence and are profiting from the state of affairs are very afraid of change and "chaos" as you put it. However, if you are one of the people in Egypt living on $2/day ( 40%) and the food prices are rising and you have the constantly bribe the police to just get by, much less earn a living and then if you protest, you are beaten, jailed and tortured, maybe you have good reason to protest. Hmmmm? Please note that before the big demonstrations in Egypt the centuries old Christian community was plagued by harassment ( government thugs? shake downs by the secret police?) but now there are NO incidents of communal violence. Maybe people want to live free of threat and free of being afraid all the time because the government wants them to feel that way so they can be controlled. They use that in the US where I live--be afraid of Muslims, very afraid. Well, it just isn't true, but you have to ask yourself, who profits by such a big lie repeated so often in so many forms?
5 :
Most of those Governments were or are merely window dressing for US interests. US put the Sha of Iran in power, then helped prop up the Saudi then Iraq, and so on. This Nation Building thing started after WWI and just went out of control after 60 years in operation. The US helped Panamanian dictator, Nicaragua, Grenada, Dominica, Haiti, S. Korea and the list goes on. If my government was a puppet state of another Country, I would revolt also. I am an American Citizen and do like my country, I do not like or agree with some of the Foreign Policies that have occurred, I do agree with some that did. It is complicated, like being in a thick fog. Robert Mcnamara stated it well in his book.
6 :
In Egypt ,president Mubarak was never elected,he ruled for 30 years under "emergency law"under this law police arrest any one any where for whatever accusation and tortured to death somewhere,the government is so corrupt that the rich is getting richer and the poor are getting poorer to the extent that 40%of Egypt population are below poverty line,and everything went down,health ,education,and of course with all the police protecting the government ,no one is taking care of the ppl.basic food items prices are high compared to the low salaries,unemployment increases to a dangerous point. in other arab countries it is more or less the same.
7 :
Because radical islamists have been educating/training/brainwashing them and driving them to this with driving up food costs and driving down employment - funny thing is it will only get worse under full islamic oppressive rule - it is the same thing the liberal progressives are doing in this country - it is what happens when you depend on handouts.
8 :
Democracy is going on. Go hide under your bed and turn off your TV.
9 :
because of dictatorial regime , corruption and inequality in scoity to understand what happen in Egypt you must know this facts : 1- Mubarak is pro-American who govern Egypt since 1981 , and wanted to put his son as new president on the presidential election on September 2011 2- he make Egypt poor , stole Egypt fortune with his Family (British Journals shows with proofs that Mubarak family escaped between 40 to 70 Billion dollar to U.S.A ,UK ,Switzerland , France , Dubai ), friends ,his company , sell Gas to Israel with 25% of market price (While Israel considered enemy) , make other Arab countries hate Egypt , and make Egypt a Police country, where internal inelegance can arrest anyone and kill anyone and abuse anyone 3- Egypt is most threaten for Israel due to big population 90 millions and big army, and Egypt fortune of resources and smart labor force also Egypt Defeated Israel 1973 completely, while Egypt and Israel have peace agreement but Israel fear from any other coming government that may do not respect The peace agreement and give Israel the chance to keep killing innocent people in Palestine like usual, so America, Israel , U.K want Mubarak and do not Care about democracy, human rights, just want to keep their advantages with Mubarak 4- Egyptians make civil revolution against Mubarak system; it started to collect people through face book, tweeter, etc , most of them is youth 15-30 years old Who do not find job while they are well educated , abused by police , and want to build a new future of Egypt 5- He stopped internet, mobile, satellite; arrest BBC, CNN, Aljazeera TV agents, close international human rights offices in Cairo 6- He pushed 1 million dirty brutal police forces fully equipped with every facility /tool /weapon to stop the protests 7- the protests arrange the Friday of rage 28 of Jan , and show historical courage never seen in this century and defeated the police completely ,more than 300 protests killed , more than 3000 injured 8- Mubarak pushed the army, but the Egyptian army history is clean and did not ever fire a bullet on Egyptians protests but at the same time high ranks and leaders Of the army still loyal to Mubarak , while low ranks and soldiers support the revolution inside them selves 9- Mubarak take of the police from streets and open jails for criminals to make looting in the country so people fear and ask for the police help 10- The protests make groups like police to secure the country and arrange traffic and arrest criminals 11- Mubarak put a vice president and new government to make people calm 12- Protests refuse and they want the following: 1- Mubarak must go 2- Canceling the emergency law which gives permission to arrest anyone this law is 30 years implemented and give the dictators the chance to arrest anyone without courts 3- New constitution that secure freedom and democracy, human rights 4- Reelect a new parliament 13- The army leader said, we will not ever fire on people and the people is free to show their choice (the army leaders shows that he natural now , while he still support Mubarak ) 14- American hypocrite government started to comment at first with supporting Mubarak cause he is a friend of them and Israel but now they start to show some support to Egyptian protests , now after they sure that mobile cannot continue and protests is so strong after they become more than 8 millions , so America try to find a solution To be sure that the new president will not be anti-American/anti-west 15- America still supports him until now and gives him every facility to stop the revolution 16 – Mubarak and business men related to him hire criminals and secret police to make a massacred in liberation square and kill as much as protests as they can And destroy Egyptian museum which hold 75% of human historical ancient antiques which value trillions of dollars , the protests shown unshaken steadfastness And 1000s injured and killed. 17- The revolution will success and America will lose their power step by step in Middle East because its hypocrite and foolish policy 18- Revolution started in Tunisia and then Egypt and will continue to all Arab countries and this make America and Israel fear, because they support all dictator systems in Arab countries to keep Arab counties weak , and take the resources of the area , and keep the cancer state of Israel which built by terrorist and crimes 19- This revolution not for specific ideology (it's not like Iran revolution), protests is Muslims, Christians, liberals, socialist, every methodology in Egypt It’s the biggest CIVIAL protest in history 8 million (10% of population) , it's for democracy , freedom , human rights , so why America /EU keep Quit? REVOLUTION UNTIL VICTORY, EGYPT IS UPRISING, LONG LIFE EGYPT, THE OLDEST CIVILIZATION IN HISTORY
10 :
I only have one thing to say.. Kuwaitis have always loved the ruling family & gov't. We're the last country in the world that would protest and go through a "revolution", get your facts straight!
11 :
Because there leaders are Dictators, but in Syria it is different because the people who are against there Government are the Sunni Muslims who believe that all Arab countries should be lead by Sunni Muslims not "Nasara" as they say. The Syrian Non Sunni are with the government and i heard that they actually fought the protest in Damascus because the protesters attacked a church as i believe.

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