Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Proof i live with parents

Proof i live with parents?
I am bringing in my husband into america and rightnow we are waiting to recive a visa appointment in yemen. I am in america and he is in yemen.My husband was told that the embassy in Yemen will ask him for papers that i rent a house or pg&e bills or phone bills, but i don't have any. I live with my parents and my dad rents the house we live in.What kind of proof should i send that i live with my dad and that he pays rent and everything else?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
you should have a lease agreement. Everyone that rents a house or apartment has a lease agreement it says who lives in the apartment who is the sole provider, how much they pay in rent and so on. Get a copy of your lease agreement that should set things straight

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