Sunday, November 21, 2010

What is your opinion of Yemen

What is your opinion of Yemen?
Have you ever been there? Do you feel that it's major cities are reasonably well-developed? What about civil liberties? I live in the U.S. and much of the information available is discolored by the usual anti-Muslim bias that seems to permeate our media.
Saudi Arabia - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hello im from yemen and i have been there No it is not well developed and still needs a lotta years to get better civil liberties are sorta crappy cus sometimes money is everything thats why i think our president is still the same idiot its been for years he bribes people And the poor and beggars are evrywhere! Now i love my country and everything but when it comes to the govt and politics its really crappy seriosly corrupted!
2 :
hmm? I dont know anything much about yemen itself.. The tile man that installed our tiles on our new home was from Yemen, he was an ok dude I suppose. I have chatted with some yemeni people online.. everyone I met seems ok..
3 :
The people are really friendly, but I agree with Yallah.
4 :
I never been to Yemen, but I have room-mated some of the Yemenis people and they told me stories..... I guess the people there are just people :), the government however is not a government, it is people too .... what I mean the government there is not qualified to run a country, it run it more like they running a tribe sort of thing, and the people there is having many problems, and sometime they think about their survival more then what is right and what is wrong I have heard that the airport at the capital (San'a) don't have airplanes everyday :), more like operates only few days a week anyway I can't be judgmental about what is going on there because I never been there... but from what I have heard it is not a lovely place to rise your children....
5 :
Afa !!!
6 :
My opinion is very poor, mostly uneducated, under developed, bad government, very tribal. It's like Saudi Arabia 70 years ago

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