Tuesday, December 7, 2010

neglected dog next door

neglected dog next door..?
for over a week, for many hours of the day (AND NIGHT), i hear my neighbours dog continuously barking, with no comfort or nobody checking on her. so the other day, i poked my head out to see what exactly was happening, and i saw the dog tied up with a chain to the front gate, just barking. i couldnt help that sinking feeling. i wen't over to see if the people were inside, and sure enough the car was in the driveway so i decided to talk to them i was polite and all and they apologized for the nuissance (sp?) and took the dog inside. but sooner or later the dog was again left outside i didnt want to be rude and go over again.... but this dog is in healthy shape: not overweight, clean coat, and very friendly. but i have a feeling the owners just keep the dog for show.. what can i do? theres no RSPCA here.. i live in sanaa, yemen..
Dogs - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are uncomfortable with confronting them again, you can leave a note to warn them. I know that you don't want to make the neighbors mad by calling the proper authorities but even the local police can intervene and give them a citation for public nusiance (noise pollution). You can suggest that they get a bark collar to remedy the problem. The poor dog is probably bored and restless and needs help. Honestly, your neighbors should not own dogs if they're going to keep the dog tied up all day and night.
2 :
See if your area has laws against excessive noise. In the USA, if we can't call the SPCA, we at least call the cops for the dog disturbing the peace. Calling late at night during the barking episode will really hit home.
3 :
well, if there's nobody to investigate, there's not much to do... that is definitely hard.
4 :
offer to take the dog. If they decline they want the dog. It is not sick or unhealthy? they just put it outside on a chain. maybe that is the only way for them to let it out w/out the dog running away? Maybe you just need to mind your own business? or you can complain about the dog barking and call the cops on them so, they can't leave to dog outside more than you see fit.
5 :
The owners should have the dog in the yard..not chained to the gate. I hope that the chain isn't wrapped around the dog's neck! Also, if they aren't taking the dogs on walks or giving it any attention, the dog is going to bark. She is bored and lonesome, and barking is her only way of communicating that. I really feel for that poor dog. I would call the police and whoever else you can and keep making those calls until you see appropriate action being taken. The owners can lose custody of the dog if they don't change their ways. Does the dog have food and water? Shelter? If not, the owners are already in violation and need to be reported for animal neglect. I wish you the best of luck!
6 :
tell them how uncomfortable it makes you feel. ask to let him have free range of the back yard (chaining dogs is cruel!) offer to take the dog or offer just to take him for walks. write an anonymous letter saying you will call authorities if they dont care for their dog better. dogs cant live happy with just food & water. they need attention and exercise. maybe you can contact PETA (they are very much against things like this) and PETA will write them a letter (trust me, they'll do it)
7 :
Maybe you could offer to walk the dog a few times a week...? I loathe the idea of calling the police or involving animal control and if you say the dog looks healthy, then there really isn't a basis to get your neighbors in legal trouble. My dog has a lot of energy and we're able to keep up with him (take in foster dogs, the dog park) but maybe your neighbors haven't found a suitable outlet for all his energy. They still care about the dog and you could offer to help them out. Also, I would be offended if my neighbor came up and asked if they could have my dog because (1) they're implying I can't properly care for him and (2) it's rude to just ask someone for something they have that you covet and (3) they're not going to trust you around the dog or as a neighbor. If you just offer to help out, then this will smooth the way that if one day they do decide the dog is something they cannot handle, you're the first one they look to to offer it a new home. Good luck and please try to be understanding - you may not have all the pieces of the puzzle here. :)
8 :
Hi there! I know exactly how you feel! However, there is more to a dog's welfare than simply having a clean coat and healthy appearance. Dogs are sociable animals and love contact. The owners are not giving the dog the attention it needs, that is probably why it barks all the time, poor thing. Anyone who chains up an animal all day long needs chained up themselves to see how they like it! You could offer to take it for walks, or ask if they really want it and if not, can you have it. I'm sure the dog would much rather be with an owner who would be committed to taking care of all of its needs. Are there any dog shelters or rescue centres that you can speak to? Maybe they can tell you who to contact to try to help the dog. Be careful who you speak to, though, because you would not want the dog being destroyed. Good Luck 8-)

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