Friday, October 1, 2010

What is your opinion of this American Imam & hes comment on the shootings

What is your opinion of this American Imam & hes comment on the shootings?
The personal Web site for a radical American imam living in Yemen who had contact with two 9/11 hijackers is praising alleged Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan as a hero. Should people under this teaching be in the military? Should this Imam have his citizenship taken away? Should he be labeled as a traitor and shot when found. The posting Monday on the Web site for Anwar al Awlaki, who was a spiritual leader at two mosques where three 9/11 hijackers worshipped, said American Muslims who condemned the attacks on the Texas military base last week are hypocrites who have committed treason against their religion. Anwar said the only way a Muslim can justify serving in the U.S. military is if he intends to "follow in the footsteps of men like Nidal."
Current Events - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I am afraid if I answered that my home might become involved in a drive-by shooting.
2 :
What he is saying is right from his point of view. The US military is in Iraq and Afghanistan killing his fellow Muslims. What do you expect him and millions of Muslims to feel? They should be happy that your forces are introducing democracy there? Wake up to the serious situation that is developing in the world. Look at it from his point of view and start worrying about the sort of thing that could happen on mainland America. Yes he is a traitor according to the definition.
3 :
It is wrong and this is crazy. Any rational muslim would have to realize this is not good for them. Most Muslims in this country, could not be happy this happened.
4 :
he is typical of this type of scumbag they put paid to the lie that islam is a religion of peace with their support and encouragement of mass murderers and people under his teaching should know what he is teaching and others should know what he is teaching, and if anyone pretends that he is distorting islam and is not a real muslim they should condemn his teachings and prove that they do not agree with him and if he is representative of muslims around the world people are right to be wary, this duplicity that many have practised has long been glossed over in the name of multiculturalism and appeasement so is he saying that islam has declared war on non-muslims? and who is condemning him? i expect he'll be invited to speak at british mosques soon.....or maybe lord ahmed will have him over for a holiday.......
5 :
That Major Hasan would be hailed as a hero by muslims worldwide was predictable. Should people under this teaching be in the military? Knowing that muslims consider all non-muslims to be the enemy, we should consider them likewise; decades of hateful terrorist attacks should have convinced our leaders of that. Tolerating their presence in our countries is one thing. Integrating them in the army is senseless. That killing spree was just waiting to happen. Imams worldwide who keep reminding us that the Jihad is every muslim's duty should have convinced our leaders too. Should this Imam have his citizenship taken away? He certainly does ! Should he be labelled as a traitor and shot when found. He should be barred from US soil and any non-muslim country as an avowed enemy. "American Muslims who condemned the attacks are hypocrites who have committed treason against their religion" All muslims living in non-muslim countries are either traitors to their religion or to their adoptive country. But traitors either way, so unreliable.
6 :
Do people take what their preachers say and do what they say. When I was young the priest in my parish said very bad things about John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono. Not the only thing he said that went against the way I felt and many others we ignored him by the way so why is it when an Imman says something we all jump to the idea that Muslims listen and think the guy is right.. If that was the case I would today hate homosexuals hate John Lennon and his peace movement songs. So why is it we all jump to the idea that all Muslims feel the way that a preacher does when the majority of us in other faiths think those that preach or just full of wind and never bother to listen to what they say. we sure do not always follow what our preachers say and why because we are humans and have free thought free thinking and above all we all know that some preachers or just hateful of many things. as for this guy his always been like that and surely the majority of Muslims see him as a nutcase anyway. Ok the tiny majority that follow what he says or EVIL can't disagree with you on that but for them there will be millions that do not feel anywhere near the way he would want people to feel.
7 :
A very low opinion, very low. He is a coward to speak such words and he knows he can get away with it in the freedom of the States. So he does. He can get away with damn near anything under that liberty and under the umbrella of "religion". The coward has more nerve than a root canal........

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