Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Real jews are from Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Arabia. How come Khazars from Europe are considered jews too

Real jews are from Africa, Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Arabia. How come Khazars from Europe are considered jews too?
Jesus was an Ethiopian jew Who was not killed but lived out a happily life with Mary Magdelene back in Ethipoia. How come European Khazars stole the jewish religion from the Ethiopians?
Other - Cultures & Groups - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Eventhough the Jews were despised by many they were admired by many more worldwide(being God's chosen people). This curiousity of the jewish people and their God led to the influx of many europeans to the region. In the case of Egypt the italians, greeks, and turks and armenians all flocked to Egypt and have been there for centuries. Many of them have assumed the identity of Egyptian to claim the famous legacy .Likewise with the Russians in Israel. Many in Israel today are immigrants from Eastern Europe all wanting to be apart of or rewrite the legacy of GOD's chosen people(as if it still matters). The media is also very stategic in showing whites(purity , caucasion) as Israel and the africans and middle eastern Arabs (brown, bad) as distinctly different in culture and ethnic group. Jesus was and is one of the most important people in history of the world. He was Jewish. If people see Jesus as a white Jew then they would respect/worship and aspire to be just like him. Hence the creation of white sumpremacy in the world. Whether Jesus was ethiopian or not Rome has painted the perfect picture that resembles itself: euopean. This is the unfornate truth . I hope this helps. And as for the religion anyone can be a jew..
2 :
You need to read the Bible -- you're history is way, way off -- you can't just accept something as true because you want to -- I mean you can believe the world is flat if you want to.... or believe that cats can talk, haha -- but you're just fooling yourself, so what's the point? There are Ethiopian Jews, but they are not any more "real" than any other Jewish people. That's just silliness and yet again, another example of a group of people trying to elevate themselves about someone else.
3 :
The Khazars converted en masse to Judaism.
4 :
Sigh- your knowledge of ancient history is extremely lacking. Th Ethiopian Jews were always a tiny minority- the majority of zJws were the semitic Jews who lived in Israel, arriving there iafter the Exodus from Egypt. As for the Khazars- only the leadership converted and they were relatively few in number. As Mongols, if the European Jews had been descended form the Khazars they would have looked Chinese! The reality is that genetic studies show that European Jews are descended form the Mediteranean region (in other words- they come from Israel!) and not from Asia.

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