Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yemen deal brings little solace*

Yemen deal brings little solace*

SANAA, 23 September 2014 (IRIN) - With northern rebels claiming the capital Sana'a and Al-Qaeda militants increasing their attacks in the south, Yemen's security crisis is likely to continue, experts believe. While a new agreement between the Houthis ...

United Nations Security Council calls for immediate ceasefire in Yemen

United Nations, Sep 24: The UN Security Council has called for full and immediate implementation of a newly agreed peace deal in Yemen to end violence that has killed and displaced hundreds of people in recent weeks. The council members welcomed the ...

DE VARONA: “Malik Obama y sus conexiones”

Frank de Varona El medio hermano mayor del presidente Barack Obama Malik Obama, también conocido como, Abongo o Roy, nació en marzo de 1958 en Nairobi, Kenia (Kenya en inglés). Es hijo de Barack Obama, Sr., y su primera esposa Kezia. Malik Obama se graduó con un título de contabilidad de la Universi ...

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