Thursday, September 11, 2014

President Obama’s ISIS™ Crisis Speech – Shamelessly Pandering to the Vile Maxim

President Obama’s ISIS™ Crisis Speech – Shamelessly Pandering to the Vile Maxim

by Scott Creighton President Peace Prize as “Steven” Today is the 13th anniversary of the “ Mother of the Big Lie“. Therefore it is only right and fitting that President Obama™ (“President Peace Prize” or ” P ³™ ” for short) went before the general public last night and presented a litany of lies as ...

Iraq: Examining the Professed Caliphate

A Kurdish soldier stands watch against Sunni militants outside the city of Kirkuk. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Summary The Islamic State, previously known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, has changed its name, but otherwise the militant group remains the same. Over the past weekend, a s ...

My tweets

Wed, 13:50: NEWS:невидимая рука рынка Вчера:скидкa Газпрома на газ для Польши и Словакии Сегодня:Польша прекратила поставки газа на Украину по реверсу Wed, 13:54: Гм...готовится "Закон Украины о временном самоуправлении в отдельных районах Донецкой и Луганской областей" Wed, 1 ...

El Terrorismo goza de buena salud.

El Estado Norteamericano ejerce el terrorismo y lo amplifica. Hace mas de cien años que lo aplica; desde que atentó contra España en la Habana con un auto hundimiento para justificar una invasión. Lo utilizó durante todo el Siglo XX en China, R. Dominicana, México, Guatemala, Panamá, Venezuela, Nica ...

Obama’s ISIS speech: AEI scholars react

On September 10, President Obama addressed the nation with a proposed strategy to degrade and defeat ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria. AEI scholars offer their initial reactions to the speech below: EVENT: House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon outlines his own plan to combat the al Qae ...

Thirteen years on, are we doing what’s necessary to eliminate al Qaeda and co?

Last night, the president delivered a short, but much awaited speech announcing that the United States is stepping up the battle against the Islamist terrorist group ISIS. The president deserves our support for what he has announced — a new coalition, more training, more advisers on the ground, econ ...

Annotated Transcript Of Obama's ISIS Speech (With Snark and Truth Added)

Last nights speech by President Obama was very, very strange. It was less of a speech and more of a mea culpa for recent gaffes he had made about ISIS and Syria. At one point I could swear he had this pained looking smirk on his face as if he was saying, I can't believe people may buy this crap! I d ...

Yemen, Houthis yet to reach deal to end crisis

SANAA, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Yemen's government and Shi'ite Muslim Houthi rebels pursued talks on Thursday to end a crisis that has seen weeks of sometimes bloody protests in the capital, after the two sides gave conflicting accounts of progress in the ...

Five Al Qaeda militants killed in US drone strike in Yemen

Sanaa, Sep 11 (IANS): Five members of the Yemen-based Al Qaeda branch were killed when a US drone struck their car in the southeastern province of Shabwa Thursday, a security official said. "The US drone fired two missiles on the car suspected of carrying ...

Yemen to name new PM in potential deal with Shia rebels

SANAA: Yemen's president has offered to appoint a new prime minister within 48 hours under a potential deal with Shiite rebels in return for ending their protests, sources close to the presidency said Thursday. A spokesman for the rebels, whose protests ...

Yemen fears al-Qaida attacks amid deadly political standoff between government, Shiite-rebels

SANAA, Yemen – Yemeni officials say al-Qaida members are streaming into the capital Sanaa, where a Shiite rebel group's demonstrations have turned deadly, and that security forces have been put on alert. The country's top intelligence officials convened ...

Yemen repairs sabotaged pipeline

Yemen resumed pumping crude through its main export pipeline after repair works were completed, the interior ministry said, after saboteurs blew it up, halting flows and disrupting an important source of revenue. Yemen's oil and gas pipelines have ...

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