Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Official: Yemen Protesters Plan Ukrainian-Style Revolution

Official: Yemen Protesters Plan Ukrainian-Style Revolution

SANAA, Yemen (AP) — The Yemeni president on Tuesday dismissed the Cabinet, firing the prime minister for the first time in two years, while partially reversing an earlier decision to lift fuel subsidies in a bid to end a standoff with Shiite rebels ...

Yemen's Houthis reject government move to quell protests

SANAA (Reuters) - Yemen's President dismissed his government on Tuesday, proposed a national unity administration and suggested reinstating fuel subsidies, government sources said, in a bid to quell weeks of protests by a Shi'te Muslim rebel group.

Houthis reject Yemen leader’s bid to end crisis

The spokesman for Yemen’s Shiite Houthis rejected on Tuesday President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s bid to end the standoff between the two sides, amid reports the Yemeni leader had proposed a national unity administration after dismissing the present ...

UPDATE 1-Yemen's Houthis reject govt move to quell protests

But the Houthi group, which had massed tens of thousands of supporters in the capital Sanaa with camps set up near the Interior Ministry, rejected the compromise proposals by President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. The impasse raises concern about further ...

Yemen president to replace govt, cut fuel hike

Sanaa (AFP) - President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi is to replace Yemen's unity government and cut a controversial fuel price hike, two demands of Shiite Huthi rebels, in an initiative announced Tuesday. Faced with increased pressure from the Huthis and a ...

Yemen: The Houthis tighten their control over Sanaa

Sanaa is about to fall in the hands of the Houthis. It is true they reached the city three times before and each time they would retreat at the last minute. But this time seems different. Abdel Malik al-Houthi’s group seems determined to reach its objective.

Yemen's president dissolves government, agrees to economic reforms

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN)-- Yemeni President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi dismissed the government Tuesday, seeking to end weeks of tense protests in the capital, Sanaa. A Yemeni teen takes part in a street riot over fuel prices. Hadi also agreed to a series of ...

Yemen is preparing for a new phase led by Al Houthis

Now, the group is no longer a political movement associated with a particular entity that has its own geographical, religious, social and political characteristics, but have been transformed after the revolution of 2011 into a political opposition that ...

Membuat Icon Bendera Negara di BBM

Bagi temen-temen pengguna android, kali ini saya akan berbagi tips "Membuat Icon Bendera Negara di BBM". Langsung saja caranya cukup mudah kok, pertama temen-temen tinggal mecari kode yang anda inginkan kemudian taruh kode pada kolom nama, status atau kolom chat sesuai keinginan dan keperluan anda. ...

Global Emergency Overview Snapshot 27 August–2 September

Source: Assessment Capacities Project Country: World, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiop ...

Three executed in Yemen for having US links

Three executed in Yemen for having US links Aden: Three people have been executed by militants in Yemen on Monday for having links with the United States, a military source said. “Suspected Yemen-based Al Qaida operatives kidnapped three local residents and then executed them by firing a barrage ... ...


FİGÜRAN IŞİD’DAN KURTULMAK İÇİN BAŞ AKTÖRLER ABD’YLE ORTAKLARINDAN YARDIM UMMAK İki gündür Vox’un politika analisti Zack Beachamp’nın ‘Işid hakkında 9 büyük söylence(efsane)’ yazısının özünü özetleyerek yorumlamaya çalıştım. Bu yazarın yazdıklarını bu topraklarda yaşayan politiya ilgi duyan herhangi ...

A New Tactic to Avoid War Powers Resolution Time Limits?

Yesterday President Obama sent a War Powers Resolution (WPR) letter to Congress concerning U.S. airstrikes “in support of an operation to deliver humanitarian assistance to civilians in the town of Amirli, Iraq.” This is the third Iraq WPR letter to Congress in a month, and the sixth this summer. In ...

Donald, I apologize!

Have you been wondering, like me, if the President has lost his mind? We already look like a drunk stumbling around attacking hornets’ nests with a shillelagh, and here he is authorizing military action in Somalia, conducting it secretly in Yemen, contemplating it in Syria and yet again putting troo ...

Droni, marò e parà italiani contro pirati e shabab somali

Nuova e pericolosa escalation militare italiana in Corno d’Africa. Secondo quanto pubblicato dalla rivista specializzata Analisi difesa, meno di un mese fa due velivoli-spia a pilotaggio remoto del 32° Stormo dell’Aeronautica militare, di stanza ad Amendola (Foggia), sarebbero stati schierati a Gibu ...

Saddam yargısına gidiş...

Necdet Özel ültimatomunun perde arkası? Sabahattin ÖNKİBAR Sahi ne oldu da Necdet Özel adeta ültimatom verdi. Üstelik bunu Cumhurbaşkanı oluşunu şova çevirip kendini Atatürk ile özdeşleştirmeye çalışan Tayyip Erdoğan'ın balayı sürecinde yaptı. Duyumlarım şunlar: TSK topyekün AKP-Apo mutabakatı ve aç ...

GCC assigns special envoy to Yemen

GCC assigns special envoy to Yemen SANA’A Aug. 31—The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Saturday assigned Dr. Saleh Bin Abdulaziz Al-Qunaieer as special envoy to Yemen. Al-Qunaieer is tasked with supervising the implementation of the Gulf Initiative in Yemen. During the Gulf countries ... more info. ...

Machtspiele im Jemen

(Bildquelle: Reuters) In der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa demonstrieren Zehntausende Huthi-Rebellen für politische Mitsprache. Ihr Protest wirft ein Licht auf die Konflikte des Landes. Diese machen sich auch die Nachbarstaaten zunutze. Zehntausende Huthi-Rebellen marschieren durch Sanaa, der Haupt ...

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