Wednesday, September 3, 2014

IMF signs off on $553m loan for Yemen

IMF signs off on $553m loan for Yemen

Yemen is set to receive $553 million in financial assistance from the IMF over the next three years to help the Gulf state with macroeconomic stability and growth. The International Monetary Fund said Yemen has launched an "ambitious" program to address ...

IMF approves a 3-year $552.9 million extended credit facility arrangement with Yemen

WASHINGTON, Sep. 02 (Saba) - The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a three-year Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement with the Republic of Yemen for an amount equivalent to SDR 365.25 million (US$552.9 million; or ...

With its Economy in Freefall, Yemen Secures IMF Lifeline

The fund noted that while Yemen has progressed in its political transition since the 2011 crisis, its economic recovery remained insufficient to reduce poverty and youth unemployment, which at about 54 percent and 45 percent respectively, are among the ...

258. Tambores de Guerra.

Desde la caída del campo socialista en los ochenta, el mundo no atravesaba una situación tan difícil como la actual. Han resurgido con plena fuerza los viejos conflictos territoriales europeos, a los que se suman los renovados del extremismo religioso y sectario, más la cada día más crítica situació ...

Weapons market here is those who produce and those who buy

WHO WE GET FROM THE WARS? Weapons market here is those who produce and those who buy In 2011, Amnesty International published a report entitled "Arms Transfers to the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons for an effective treaty on the arms trade," in which the non-governmental organization examines ...

Shocking video:ISIS jihadists behead American Journalist Steven Sotloff

Sotloff, aged 31 disappeared in Syria in August 2013 American hostage Steven Sotloff has reportedly been executed by jihadist ISIS terrorist. Sotloff, aged 31 disappeared in Syria in August 2013. His abduction was not widely known until he appeared on a video released last month by ISIS. In the, now ...

Journalist had a deep love of Arab culture and ‘a lot of respect for the Muslim world’

Steven Sotloff, notebook in hand, in Libya in 2011. An Arabic speaker, he began his career in Yemen and covered every big story in the Middle East. Getty Images Steven Sotloff was one of a generation of young freelance foreign correspondents who came of age as reporters in the Arab Spring of 2011. H ...

The price of ThL W100 mobile phones

According to analysis firm IDC, ThL V12+ smartphone product sales in the nation grew almost threefold to over 44 thousand in 2013, buoyed by cost-effective gadgets designed by local firms such as Micromax and Karbonn. In the second one fourth of 2014, 18.42 thousand mobile phones were delivered in N ...

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