Saturday, September 27, 2014

How Yemen's capital was seized at speed

How Yemen's capital was seized at speed

How rebels seized Yemen's capital in less than a month

New Map Reveals Just How Much Ground ISIS Has Conquered and How Its Influence Is Spreading

A new map being shared on social media reveals just how much ground ISIS has conquered in its campaign of terror: Image Credit: Eraliquida As the map reveals, the only major areas ISIS hasn’t successfully occupied are Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, and Syria’s capital, Damascus. Also, in July, ISIS releas ...

This Is What Eric Holder's Legacy Will Be

Attorney General Eric Holder, the first African-American to hold the top law enforcement position in the United States, announced on Thursday that he plans to step down from his position as soon as a successor can be confirmed. If he remains in office until December, Holder will become the third lon ...

Marea Britanie ameninţă că va bombarda Iraq-ul, Siria, Libia, Nigeria, Yemen-ul şi Somalia! Cine sunt adevăraţii psihopaţi criminali: teroriştii islamişti sau liderii occidentali!?

Spuneam încă de săptămâna trecută într-un articol publi […]

Four security men killed in Al Qaeda attack in Yemen

Sanaa, Sep 27 (IANS): At least four army men were killed Saturday when suspected Al Qaeda militants attacked a military patrol in Yemen, a security official said. "Masked gunmen in a car without licence plates opened fire randomly on the soldiers while ...

Rebels attack Yemen security chief's home

Shi'ite rebels attacked the home of Yemen's intelligence chief in Sanaa on Saturday, residents and security sources said, showing the fragility of a power-sharing accord that has failed to halt fighting in the capital. Houthi rebels seized control of much ...

Yemen rebels clash with presidential guards

Yemeni rebels who have overrun the capital clashed with presidential guards Saturday as they ignored a demand to leave the city following a UN-brokered peace accord. Fighting erupted overnight after the Huthi Shiite rebels tried to occupy the home of the ...

Ansarullah urges Yemen president to fire country's security chief

A top member of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement has called on President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to dismiss the head of the country’s National Security Agency, Ali Hassan al-Ahmadi. Ali al-Bekheti held al-Ahmadi responsible for killing peaceful protesters ...

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