Monday, September 29, 2014

CAOS ▼ Hacia un nuevo desorden mundial | Opinión | EL PAÍS

CAOS ▼ Hacia un nuevo desorden mundial | Opinión | EL PAÍS

Hacia un nuevo desorden mundial | Opinión | EL PAÍS LA CUARTA PÁGINA Hacia un nuevo desorden mundial Henry Kissinger sostiene que el deterioro del liderazgo de Estados Unidos dividirá el planeta en esferas regionales de influencia. Pero falta saber cómo evolucionará China y cuál será el papel de Ind ...

Psihopati criminali

Marea Britanie ameninţă că va bombarda Iraq-ul, Siria, Libia, Nigeria, Yemen-ul şi Somalia! Cine sunt adevăraţii psihopaţi criminali: teroriştii islamişti sau liderii occidentali!? Spuneam încă de săptămâna trecută într-un articol publicat pe site ( Adevărul şocant despre organizaţia teroristă ISIS: ...

Yemen suicide bomber attacks Houthi rebel field hospital

A suicide car bomber drove into a field hospital run by Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen on Sunday, killing one person and wounding others. The rebels used hospital about 100 miles (175km) north-east of Sana’a to treat their wounded from battles in against ...

Yemen car bomb targets Houthi base, dozens of casualties - sources

SANAA (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded at a hospital used as a base by Yemen's Shi'ite Muslim Houthi movement on Sunday, killing or wounding dozens of people, tribal and local sources said. The attack took place in Marib province, east of the capital Sanaa ...

Suicide bomber targets Yemen's Houthi rebels

A suicide car bomber has rammed into a field hospital run by a Shia rebel group in Yemen's capital, killing and wounding scores of people, a Yemeni security official has said. The attack took place on Sunday, some 175 kilometres northeast of Sanaa.

U.S. embassy in Yemen denies it was targeted by Al Qaida during evacuation

CAIRO — The U.S. embassy in Yemen has come under rocket fire from Al Qaida. A rocket said to be fired by Al Qaida’s Ansar Al Sharia landed some 200 meters from the U.S. embassy in Sanaa. Officials said the M-72 light anti-tank rocket exploded on Sept.

Suicide bomber attacks Shiite rebels in Yemen

SANAA, Yemen (AP) — A suicide car bomber rammed into a field hospital run by Shiite rebels in Yemen on Sunday, killing one person and wounding others, a security official said. The field hospital some 100 miles (175 kilometers) northeast of the capital ...

Three children injured in Yemen drone strike

Sana’a: A US drone strike killed three Al Qaida militants and injured three civilians on Friday evening in the northern province of Jawf, local official and a witness told Gulf News. The strike occurred in a remote village called Al Khasaf near the ...

Hundreds protest in Yemen against Shia rebels

SANAA (Yemen): Hundreds demonstrated on Sunday in Yemen's capital, urging state security forces to return to the streets and demanding Shia rebel militias leave Sanaa. The demonstrations came a day after Yemeni political forces signed a security deal in ...

Saudi Arabia warns Yemen violence could threaten global security

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has said "unprecedented challenges" facing Yemen since Shi'ite Muslim rebels took over the capital could threaten international security, and called for swift action to deal with instability in its southern neighbour.

Dismal Lessons From Libya and Yemen

As the United States barrels into a new war against Sunni extremists in Iraq and Syria, it has been easy to overlook the unraveling of Libya and Yemen. For distinct and complex reasons, both countries appear to be on an irreversible path toward becoming ...

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