Sunday, September 7, 2014

Al Qaeda has our soldiers. Abu Firas builds the group’s case against the UN using Fiji soldiers as a bargening tool.

Al Qaeda has our soldiers. Abu Firas builds the group’s case against the UN using Fiji soldiers as a bargening tool.

Al Qaeda veteran takes on a more prominent role as spokesman in Syria By Thomas Joscelyn September 6, 2014 Abu Firas al Suri’s Twitter account, which was launched on Aug. 31, is “official and only account of the al Qaeda spokesperson” in Syria. On Aug. 31, a veteran al Qaeda jihadist known as Abu Fi ...

"Pamantul s-a aprins" - Suntem inconjurati de conflicte

Nu pot sa nu remarca faptul ca Pamantul este o planeta prinsa intr-un conflict generalizat. Astfel ca in ziua de azi 11,7 % din populatia globului se afla in conflict, ceea ce este foarte mult. Este foarte mult avand in vedere faptul ca in acest conflict generalizat sunt implicate cele mai mari pute ...


I want to start by making myself clear that this opinion of mine has an intention of neither being pessimistic nor undermining the efforts being made by genuinely concerned citizens in Ethiopia and Ethiopians residing almost in all parts of the world. I sincerely believe that with all the serious ch ...

Distress Of Nations

“Distress of Nations.” This is a phrase spoken of in the Book of Luke concerning End Times. Read it for yourself in Luke 21:25 and forward, “And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men ...

Notizie Mondo - Yahoo Notizie

Your RSS feed from Update your RSS subscription Notizie Mondo - Yahoo Notizie Le ultime notizie dal Mondo su Yahoo Notizie. Leggi le ultime news di cronaca e attualità arricchite da foto e video. Somalia, shebab confermano morte loro leader in raid aereo Usa Presidente Hadi: Iran deve es ...

The 12 Tribes and a game that ends

I am old enough to remember the golden /hare (vaguely) and all the people trying to solve the clues madly in the search. what it did do was to encourage a lot of people to read the book and here again we have a series of books that will engage the audience. young Adults here and thus encourage readi ...

Yemen :Human Trafficking Networks Hunt Young and Beautiful Girls

Shima is a beautiful, young and smart girl. She was studying at the Languages Institute in Sana’a because she wanted to qualify herself for the university. Her only aim is to practice the English language as a native speaker. Unexpectedly, she fell in ...

President Hadi, U.S. senior official review developments in Yemen

SANA'A, September 6 (Saba)- President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi met on Saturday with U.S. Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco. The President confirmed the depth of relations between Yemen and U.S., praising all ...

Yemen wary of intensifying Iranian meddling

President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Saturday called on Iran to adopt wise policies over Yemen at a time when the Houthi rebels are continuing the escalation of their protests inside and outside the capital city of Sanaa. Since he became the president in ...

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