Thursday, August 28, 2014

War News for Thursday, August 28, 2014

War News for Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pakistan’s polio woes continue — funds likely to run out soon! New Taliban group vows attacks in Pakistan US moves prisoners from Afghanistan to Yemen Afghanistan vote audit to conclude on 10th of September, says Kubis Largest NATO base to be transferred to Afghan forces in Helmand Reported security ...

STRIKE ME…STRIKE ME NOT: U.S. air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles

REUTERS \ By Matt Spetalnick and Phil Stewart American forces face formidable challenges as President Barack Obama considers an air assault on Islamist fighters in Syria, including intelligence gaps on potential targets, concerns about Syria’s air defenses and fears that the militants may have anti- ...


IRAK ŞAM İSLAM DEVLETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR PERSPEKTİF *Oktay KAYMAK GİRİŞ Son dönemlerdeki Ezidi olaylarıyla tekrar gündeme oturan IŞİD fenomeni hakkında yeterli bir malumatın olmadığını düşündüğüm için böyle bir yazı kaleme alma ihtiyacı hissettim. Okuyacağınız bu metinde IŞİD’in tarihi gelişim sürec ...

The 2014 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index: What Has Gone Wrong In India?

The 2014 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) by researchers at the University of Oxfordcovers 108 countries: 31 Low-Income Countries, 67 Middle-Income Countries and 10 High-Income Countries. These countries have a total population of 5.4 billion people, some 78% of the world’s population. Th ...

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