Thursday, August 28, 2014

U.S. moves prisoners from Afghanistan to Pakistan, Yemen

U.S. moves prisoners from Afghanistan to Pakistan, Yemen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has moved 11 new prisoners out of a military prison near the Afghan capital, the Pentagon said on Wednesday, as the Obama administration seeks to shut down a controversial detainee program in Afghanistan ahead of ...

Yemeni president warns Houthis

Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has warned Houthi anti-government protesters, saying that the United States and its allies oppose the group’s show of force. “The tribal armed masses… imposed a status quo that is rejected by people, politically, nationally, regionally, and internationally,” Y ...

ABD IŞİD’in Suriye’deki uzantısına karşı harekete geçebileceklerini açıkladı

ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Martin Dempsey, IŞİD’in Suriye’deki uzantısına karşı harekete geçebileceklerini açıkladı. Afganistan’ı ziyaret edecek Dempsey, uçakta gazetecilere yaptığı açıklamada, “Irak’taki IŞİD militanlarının, ABD topraklarına doğrudan tehdit haline geldiğine karar verirsem, ABD ordusun ...

In Search of Real Islam ~ the UK’s Mehdi Hassan Unmasked

When I was on The Last Stand Radio Show the other night, I had said one of the things we as non-Muslims needed to do is become more assertive and challenge Muslim propagandists head-on. We just cannot allow their deception to go unchallenged. Today we see another example of this from our mate and gu ...

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