Thursday, August 21, 2014

Müslümanca Duruş

Müslümanca Duruş

Yapay acılar çeken modern zaman Müslümanlığımızın kulağını çeken üstadlardan yoksunuz. Tabiri caiz ise yitik bir nesiliz biz. Nuri Pakdil’in “Klas Duruş”undan nasibimizi alamadık. Rasim Özdenören’in “Müslümanca Yaşamak” kitabını günlerce yanımızda dolaştıramadık. Vampir, büyücü, kurtadam, cadı, hobb ...

Medio Oriente (e non solo): Le notizie che oggi non leggerete sui vostri giornali (qualcuna sì, ma non a lungo)

di Barbara Schiavulli IRAQ: gli americani si preparano a mandare altri militari per combattere l'Isis / I curdi negoziano una posizione ministeriale nel governo iracheno / ieri 31 morti e 28 feriti, ma la stima è al ribasso perché il governo iracheno non ha riferito il numero di militanti uccisi, pa ...

Speculators of multinational

In the absence of a serious antitrust action against the Four Horsemen (Exxon-Mobil, Chevron-Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch / Shell) and / or a crackdown CFTC to speculators at Goldman Sachs, the veiled attempt by the cartel Federal Reserve to inflate the global economy shedding free money to the ...

reprint JULY 3,2014; co-dependence day again, Armageddon is nigh, 1967+biblical(perfect)7 = 2016

The USk(former USA) and Dictator Hobama (UNpresident b.HUSSEIN obama) forces their hand on the world, using Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine as staging points in the construction and resurrection of the Caliphate of Islam and the Nazis of Adolf HItler in th ...

reprint JULY 3,2014; co-dependence day again, Armageddon is nigh, 1967+biblical(perfect)7 = 2016

The USk(former USA) and Dictator Hobama (UNpresident b.HUSSEIN obama) forces their hand on the world, using Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine as staging points in the construction and resurrection of the Caliphate of Islam and the Nazis of Adolf HItler in th ...

イエメン Yemen

Press TV

Tensions high in Yemen as Shiite rebel deadline looms

Thousands of armed Shiite rebels in Yemen strengthened their positions in the capital Sanaa this week as they pressed their campaign to force the government to resign. The rebels have been fighting an off-conflict with government troops in the northern ...

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